=========================== Docutils Runtime Settings =========================== :Author: David Goodger :Contact: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net :Date: $Date: 2012-01-03 19:23:53 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jan 2012) $ :Revision: $Revision: 7302 $ :Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. .. contents:: Introduction ============ Docutils runtime settings are assembled from several sources: component settings specifications, application settings specifications, configuration files, and command-line options. Docutils overlays default and explicitly specified values from these sources such that settings behave the way we want and expect them to behave. To understand how Docutils deals with runtime settings, the attributes and parameters involved must first be understood. Begin with the the docstrings of the attributes of the ``docutils.SettingsSpec`` base class (in the ``docutils/__init__.py`` module): * ``settings_spec`` * ``settings_defaults`` * ``settings_default_overrides`` * ``relative_path_settings`` * ``config_section`` * ``config_section_dependencies`` Next, several _`convenience function parameters` are also significant (described in the ``docutils.core.publish_programmatically`` function docstring): * The ``settings`` parameter is a runtime settings (``docutils.frontend.Values``) object which, if present, is assumed to be complete (it must include all runtime settings). Also, if the ``settings`` parameter is present, no further runtime settings processing is done. In other words, the other parameters, described below, will have no effect. * ``settings_spec``, a `docutils.SettingsSpec` subclass or object, is treated like a fourth component (after the Parser, Reader, and Writer). In other words, it's the settings specification for the "Application" itself. * ``settings_overrides`` is a dictionary which will override the defaults of the components (from their settings specs). * ``config_section`` specifies the name of an application-specific configuration file section. .. _command-line tools: Runtime Settings Processing for Command-Line Tools ================================================== Following along with the actual code is recommended. The ``docutils/__init__.py``, ``docutils/core.py``, and ``docutils.frontend.py`` modules are described. 1. A command-line front-end tool imports and calls ``docutils.core.publish_cmdline``. The relevant `convenience function parameters`_ are described above. 2. ``docutils.core.publish_cmdline`` initializes a ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object, then calls its ``publish`` method. 3. The ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object's ``publish`` method checks its ``settings`` attribute to see if it's defined. If it is, no further runtime settings processing is done. If ``settings`` is not defined, ``self.process_command_line`` is called with the following relevant arguments: * ``settings_spec`` * ``config_section`` * ``settings_overrides`` (in the form of excess keyword arguments, collected in the ``defaults`` parameter) 4. ``self.process_command_line`` calls ``self.setup_option_parser``, passing ``settings_spec``, ``config_section``, and ``defaults``. 5. ``self.setup_option_parser`` checks its ``config_section`` parameter; if defined, it adds that config file section to ``settings_spec`` (or to a new, empty ``docutils.SettingsSpec`` object), replacing anything defined earlier. (See `Docutils Configuration Files`_ for details.) Then it instantiates a new ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser`` object, passing the following relevant arguments: * ``components``: A tuple of ``docutils.SettingsSpec`` objects, ``(self.parser, self.reader, self.writer, settings_spec)`` * ``defaults`` (originally from ``settings_overrides``) 6. The ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser`` object's ``__init__`` method calls ``self.populate_from_components`` with ``self.components``, which consists of ``self`` prepended to the ``components`` tuple it received. ``self`` (``docutils.frontend.OptionParser``) defines general Docutils settings. 7. In ``self.populate_from_components``, for each component passed, ``component.settings_spec`` is processed and ``component.settings_defaults`` is applied. Then, for each component, ``component.settings_default_overrides`` is applied. This two-loop process ensures that ``component.settings_default_overrides`` can override the default settings of any other component. 8. Back in ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser.__init__``, the ``defaults`` parameter (derived from the ``settings_overrides`` parameter of ``docutils.core.Publisher.publish``) is overlaid over ``self.defaults``. So ``settings_overrides`` has priority over all ``SettingsSpec`` data. 9. Next, ``docutils.frontend.OptionParser.__init__`` checks if configuration files are enabled (its ``read_config_files`` parameter is true, and ``self.defaults['_disable_config']`` is false). If they are enabled (and normally, they are), ``self.get_standard_config_settings`` is called. This reads the `docutils configuration files`_, and returns a dictionary of settings. This is then overlaid on ``self.defaults``. So configuration file settings have priority over all software-defined defaults. 10. Back in the ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object, ``self.setup_option_parser`` returns the ``option_parser`` object to its caller, ``self.process_command_line``. 11. ``self.process_command_line`` calls ``option_parser.parse_args``, which parses all command line options and returns a ``docutils.frontend.Values`` object. This is assigned to the ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object's ``self.settings``. So command-line options have priority over configuration file settings. When ``option_parser.parse_args`` is called, the source and destination command-line arguments are also parsed, and assigned to the ``_source`` and ``_destination`` attributes of what becomes the ``docutils.core.Publisher`` object's ``self.settings``. 12. From ``docutils.core.Publisher.publish``, ``self.set_io`` is called with no arguments. If either ``self.source`` or ``self.destination`` are not set, the corresponding ``self.set_source`` and ``self.set_destination`` are called, effectively with no arguments. 13. ``self.set_source`` checks for a ``source_path`` parameter, and if there is none (which is the case for command-line use), it is taken from ``self.settings._source``. ``self.source`` is set by instantiating a ``self.source_class`` object. For command-line front-end tools, the default ``self.source_class`` is used, ``docutils.io.FileInput``. 14. ``self.set_destination`` does the same job for the destination that ``self.set_source`` does for the source (the default ``self.destination_class`` is ``docutils.io.FileOutput``). .. _Docutils Configuration Files: ../user/config.html Runtime Settings Processing From Applications ============================================= Applications process runtime settings in a different way than `command-line tools`_ do. Instead of calling ``publish_cmdline``, the application calls one of ``publish_file``, ``publish_string``, or ``publish_parts``. These in turn call ``publish_programmatically``, which implements a generic programmatic interface. Although an application may also call ``publish_programmatically`` directly, it is not recommended (if it does seem to be necessary, please write to the Docutils-develop_ mailing list). ``publish_programmatically`` accepts the same `convenience function parameters`_ as ``publish_cmdline``. Where things differ is that programmatic use does no command-line processing. Instead of calling ``docutils.Publisher.process_command_line`` (as ``publish_cmdline`` does, via ``docutils.Publisher.publish``), ``docutils.Publisher.process_programmatic_settings`` is called to set up the runtime settings. .. copy & modify the list from command-line tools? .. _Docutils-develop: ../user/mailing-lists.html#docutils-develop